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Water Safety Quiz
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Water Safety Quiz
Name of Educator
QUESTION 1: Please list 3 ways you can promote water safety to children?
Way #1
Way #2
Way #3
QUESTION 2: If a school aged child wants to have a shower alone, what do I need to remember?
Check enrolment permissions, keep the door unlocked.
Say no
Message the parent for permission?
QUESTION 3: A parent said it is okay to take their child swimming at the beach and you have 1 child in care. What do you do
Yes, I have their permission and I’m within correct ratios.
No, children cannot swim at the beach while in care.
Yes, with a risk assessment, permission and sunscreen on.
QUESTION 4: What depth of water is okay for water-based activities fully supervised?
25 cm
Any level as long as I’m supervising
The depth of the smallest child’s knee
QUESTION 5: When using a sprinkler or filling a container/wading pool for I need to remember to….
Both B and C
Wind the hose up tightly after use
Check the water temperature before children make contact
QUESTION 6: Children should not assist with filling from a tap or hose until…
Sunscreen is applied
The temperature has been checked.
Bathers are worn
QUESTION 7: If your taps are not capped, what temperature does my hot water system not need to exceed?
70 degrees
Any just ensure split taps are on the cold setting
50 degrees
QUESTION 8: During water play it’s ok for children to:
take of their hats or clothing
be reminded to remain SunSmart
stay in the shade